Let’s face it, being in quarantine can be frustrating, depressing, and sometimes drives you up the wall, and running out of things to do doesn’t help at all!
During a conversation with some online bloggers under quarantine, surprisingly, they have been staying busy with their respective families by doing all sorts of creative things around their homes. Such as; redecorating, painting, cooking, gardening, and one interesting thing, ‘building a treehouse.’ Now, building a treehouse may seem like a piece of cake, but let’s face it, there are safety measures we must take and follow to get it done correctly before we can use it.
From the research we’ve done, building a treehouse — like the one above — can take over over the course of several weekends or a week or two using new, pressure-treated wood for the support structure and floor, and an old recycled fence for the sides to construct. This is great for time consumption so quarantine won’t feel so much like a prison sentence :).
The roof is a camouflage-pattern tarp. It’s not weather-proof, but it stays pretty dry inside: a three-season treehouse, but best for summer!
So how to build a treehouse? Well, the principles are simple…
There are three main components to building a treehouse: the foundation, the posts, and the rest of the structure.
The foundation and posts keep the treehouse functional and safe, and the rest of the structure is where you can really turn the treehouse into an amazing looking den for your kids.
When you get these three elements working together properly, you will have a truly safe, long-lasting and visually stunning treehouse that your kids will adore.
Now here is the overview…
Step 1. Picking a suitable tree
It is important that if the tree is going to be supporting the entire house, that it is sturdy. If not, this can lead to major accidents and tricky building conditions.
So a sturdy tree is a must, but you’ll also need posts.
The tree will often act as the main supporting leg of the house, but posts make the treehouse truly secure and safe.
We’ll use posts as legs to create a basic structure so that the tree acts as only one leg supporting the house. Alternatively, when using posts you can have the tree go through the middle of the treehouse for a really cool “lookout tower” effect.
Step 2. Setting the foundation
This is where blueprints or sound, tested treehouse plans are very useful. The foundation of the actual house can be built in many ways, some much safer than others.
It depends on what materials you choose, and the size of your treehouse of course.
A simple design would involve laying flat boards across the posts that you’ve installed and then simply nailing them all together.
Step 3. Getting creative
Now that you have the framework in place, you can design the actual treehouse in many creative ways. But before you do, here’s a tip: ask your kids first!
You want your kids to be involved, and to actually like the treehouse itself. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time.
The great thing is, once you have the core foundation and support structure, anything goes really. Obviously you will need to make sure any additional features and design elements are sturdy and can hold the weight.
Remember, there will likely be several kids in the house at any one time, so don’t just base your plans on a single child’s weight.
There are many different designs that are proven to be popular with kids, such as the open-air model which allows your kids to be visible and able to get out in an emergency, without being completely enclosed and boxed in.
The more you can incorporate the tree and surrounding environment, the better. After all, the whole point of building a treehouse is that your kids remember they are in a tree when they are actually inside it!
So that’s the basic principles, but there’s one more question…
What Could Go Wrong? First of all, these are only the basics. There are many fine details involved for maximum safety, and to be able to build it properly the first time around.
Furthermore, there are safety risks…
As with any DIY task or home-based activity, there’s always a safety risk. When a treehouse is built incorrectly, this risk is huge.
All it takes is a rough nail or a loose plank and it could spell a hospital trip and a ruined summer for your kids.
And that’s before we mention the risk of a side collapsing and a young child falling 10ft to the ground.
I don’t say these things to scare you or put you off, but to make sure you follow plans and guidelines which are quite literally, as safe as houses.
It’s really not hard to build a solid, safe, and great looking treehouse with the right guidelines and tools. It won’t cost you a fortune and you probably have all the basic DIY tools you need to do it right now.
The one thing you’re missing is the proven treehouse plans to actually take that idea and turn it into a dream treehouse that your kids will remember and enjoy for years to come. Well, check out this treehouse guide for all the help you’re going to need to take on a new ‘in-quarantine’ project to showcase on social media.
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